May 21, 2010, Newsletter Issue #220: Choosing Colors for the Right Impact

Tip of the Week

Depending on the situation, investing in a set of presentation folders and pocket folders in a single color may be a good way to cut corners, but don’t miss the chance to have a bigger impact in that sales meeting or trade show by ordering a folder printing job especially for a particular event. Are you operating in an environment where first impressions are far more important than usual? Do you need a way to stand out from the crowd in a sea of manila envelopes and folders? Sometimes you don’t need a presentation folder with a special design
when a bright, eye-catching color will attract as much attention.

Bright red is a color perfect for getting instant attention. Imagine a custom folder in red with your company name or logo in “just big enough” text. Such folders are easily spotted from across a crowded room and are eye-catching enough to make people wonder what’s inside. Red has traditionally been the color of warning or urgent instruction; stop signs and traffic lights are red, as are ambulance and police siren lights. Do you need your presentation to convey a sense of urgency? Do you want your message to have a lasting impression? Yes, you could put those important documents into plain brown folders, but when you need people to have the right mindset about your work from the start, taking the extra step with a specially designed custom folder could give you the advantage you need.

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