June 20, 2008, Newsletter Issue #122: Using Overseas Printing Companies

Tip of the Week

With most industries taking advantage of overseas pricing to make their business more profitable, many people wonder if overseas printing companies are the way to go. Through research, we have found that in this industry, the overseas costs are not especially lower than domestic printing companies.

Other industries save money overseas because of the lower cost of labor. With printing companies, the costs come more from mechanical production and less from labor. Printing paper is not much less expensive around the world, and in fact, it is far more expensive in some places. This explains why printing companies overseas cannot be as highly competitive as in other arenas.

If you are searching for printing companies to handle your business needs, stay local. The assurance in delivery time from using a local printing company is worth it alone. Calculate that the pricing is competitive, and it is no debate at all.

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