November 7, 2008, Newsletter Issue #142: Buying Bulk Presentation Folders

Tip of the Week

If you are a small business looking to save on your overhead costs, buying your office supplies such as presentation folders in bulk quantities may be a smart move. Presentation folders are used for so many different reasons that they go as fast as printer paper in some offices. There are many places where you can purchase your presentation folders in sufficient quantities that you won't be running to the store at the last second anymore.

When buying bulk presentation folders, make extra sure that you know the style and type that you want. These will be in use for a while and you cannot risk not living up to your own or your client's expectations. Consult with a professional printing company about personalizing or customizing your presentation folders. With the savings on ordering in bulk, you can probably afford to set your presentation folders apart with a little custom design or imprinting.

Buying bulk office supplies is a smart move for any company. Do not feel restricted to a single vendor, either. Price-shop everything from your staples to your presentation folders and you will save every time on your supplies.

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