If you have a checking account, chances are you've had some checks printed. Although today's checking accounts usually have either a debit or check card attached to them, there are still some instances where you'll need a paper check in order to draw money from your account. There are several different types of check printing available to meet your checkbook needs. Wallet checks (also known as a checkbook) are the traditional type of checks that are issued with a personal checking account, and they can be imprinted with your name, address, phone number or other identification. Duplicate checks are the same size as wallet checks, but they include a carbonless copy of your check that is made when you write the check out. These are great for keeping your checkbook balanced, as you will always have a receipt of any checks you write out. A third type of check printing is the desk checkbook – this book is larger, typically in a binder, and has three checks to a page, along with stubs that allow you to record notes about the amount written on the check, as well as the addressee.
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