May 4, 2007, Newsletter Issue #64: Starting a Printing Company

Tip of the Week

Many people never notice that printing, in one form or another, is vital to everything from cars to bubble gum wrappers. For those who do, the thought of opening their own printing company often comes to mind. Here are some tips for you if you are thinking of starting your own printing company.

• Target – What do you want to print? Are you thinking about magazines or even pencils? It is important to get a plan for your printing company because you will need different equipment and supplies based on this choice.

• Clients – Where are your clients coming from? A printing company is far from an inexpensive venture. You should iron out, in your business plan, how you see your new printing company acquiring clientele.

• Cost – As mentioned above, starting a printing company can be very expensive. The equipment is often custom developed and upkeep is regular and necessary.

There are solutions. You can start your own printing company and never buy a printer or press. As in many other industries, you may be able to ‘sub out' your actual printing work. If you want to start a printing company to make sales and extra money, but don't want to worry about buying the equipment or maintaining it, contact an existing printing company and discuss outsourcing options.

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